Project Safe Childhood
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Project Safe Childhood Video Transcript:
President Bush: Earlier this year the Department of Justice, lead by Al Gonzales,
launched the Project Safe Childhood to help federal, state, and local enforcement officials investigate and prosecute crimes against children that are facilitated by the internet and other electronic communications.
Alberto Gonzales: The most basic and most important role of any civilized society is to protect its children. It is a challenge that never ends. After all, there are so many dangers that we must protect our kids from; injury and illness, drugs and gangs. The list is frightening and it is long. One threat haunts us more than all the others—the threat of sexual predators. Their crimes against children are irreversible. Their pain lasts a lifetime because it steals the gift of innocence. At times, it seems as if we cannot stay ahead of the threats against our kids. And there is a cruel irony in the fact that society’s technological advancements have provided those who seek to hurt our children with new opportunities. Every day, children are sexually solicited online. Every day, thousands of individuals obtain, distribute, and produce child pornography over the internet.
Regina Schofield: When the Attorney General launched Project Safe Childhood, he had
two things in mind. The first thing was to make sure that we can teach our children and our parents about how to protect them and keep them safe from online sexual
exploitation. The second thing, is to make sure that we’re supporting law enforcement,prosecutors, individuals that are on the other side of the criminal justice system to make sure these predators are brought to justice, that there are investigations done for cybercrimes, and that we use the entire force of the criminal justice system to protect our children.
Brendan Sheehan: You get these cases, and they say “It’s just a picture,” “It’s just an image” and you have to educate judges, you have to educate the public that it’s not just a picture, but it’s a kid being abused and every time that image is portrayed and every time that image is published, it’s a continuing abuse of that child.
Michelle Collins: There is a misconception as to what child pornography is. These are
not just pictures; these are not baby in the bath tub types of photos. These images
actually represent the graphic sexual assault of children. In just the last eight years of reviewing the child pornography for the cyber tip line and the CVIP program, we’ve seen the age of the child victims dramatically drop. At this point, 6 percent of the children that we know are identified; are actually infants. And a fully 58 percent otherwise, are children who are still prepubescent.
Arnold Bell: We’re seeing escalating levels of violence; we’re seeing more egregious
forms of abuse. It’s almost like it takes more to get people excited than it did a year ago.
Michelle Collins: Individuals who sexually exploit children are very often in positions of trust in that child’s life.
Arnold Bell: We’ve arrested, unfortunately, lots of cops, we’ve arrested lots of teachers, lots clergy, boy scouts. There is no profile, per se, for persons who do this type of work.
Nothing I’ve seen in 20 years of law enforcement compares to the things I’ve seen since I’ve been in this chair. An example is a little baby, probably about 8-9 months old, being penetrated by an adult male, in the video with sound, and the male’s narrating what he’s doing to this child and talking about how he likes the feel of the child squirming in his hands, and he likes how the child screams in pain and that sort of stuff. That is unimaginable horror for the kid, unimaginable that anybody in their mind would ever think to do like that.
Brendan Sheehan: This just isn’t a picture. It’s a crime scene with a child being abused. Even in some of these images you can see them crying; tears in their eyes as they’re being abused.
Flint Waters: You’re seeing pretty harsh stuff. You see some very hard material. We
tracked an individual that was trafficking in child sexual abuse images. And we saw very a high volume. I ended up reaching out to San Diego, and working with them at getting the information so that they would work this case. They ended up arresting an individual who was working as a respiratory therapist in Children’s Hospital there. When they started investigating, they found this guy had been molesting one, two, three kids a week; he’d been there for 10 years. He was molesting kids that were coming out of surgery, that were there for hospice care, children that couldn’t ask for help. And there were a lot of kids involved. When they asked him about it, he was looking out the window at the weather. And it was snowing where he was. They asked him how many kids he’d molested and he said “How many snowflakes are there?”
Flint Waters: The ICAC task forces are a group of state and local law enforcement
agencies that are brought together, supervised, and funded by DOJ, Office of Justice
Programs, to do investigations of child exploitation on the internet. The ICAC data
network is a series of servers, located in Wyoming, that are accessible to investigators throughout the United States. One of the big advantages that comes from being able to do this is we can actually make it possible for investigators to not have to look at these videos over and over and over again. The images that we see that depict 2-year olds being violently raped are not only destructive to everyone involved, but they can tear down these officers that are working these investigations.
Arnold Bell: There are about 37 Innocent Images task forces across the country. In
almost all of those task forces there are state and local representation on those task forces, so if you overlay the ICAC map of where the task forces are with the FBI map, the country is pretty well blanketed in terms of online presence, covert presence to work in these matters. Obviously, we do our enticement cases every day, there are agents online in this country every single day that are posing as kids and in a matter of minutes, you have four or five guys asking you “How old are you?” “Are you a virgin?” “What’s your bra size?” “Do you have pubic hair?” You’ll see very aggressive solicitation or you’ll see a grooming process that could last over several weeks, where the person slowly introduces sex into the conversation.
Brendan Sheehan: The internet connectivity has allowed it to be a either a federal crime or a state crime. And it could be prosecuted either way.
McGregor Scott: California, until extremely recently, has had a very weak law on
possession of child pornography, so we’ve really been the only game in town in terms of a true felony count for possession of child pornography. So our ability to get a felony conviction obtained, really very real legitimate sentences and get these guys off the streets for extended periods of time is going to do nothing except make our community safer.
Flint Waters: It’s critical to work closely with our US Attorney’s office, where an
individual and state court might give probation or a year in jail, we often can get much heavier sentences through the coordination of our assistant US attorneys that are assigned to investigate these cases.
McGregor Scott: We’ve had a number of cases in past years up to the present where we
have partnered with district attorneys where they will prosecute the same suspect for
child molestation charges, while we will prosecute that person for child pornography
Brendan Sheehan: We use that as a heavy hammer when we have cases in the state
Arnold Bell: The Brownie case is a case that involves a little girl who was being sexually abused by an adult. This particular case probably has the worst images I’ve ever seen. The pictures were seen in late November of 2003 in Denmark. The officer in Denmark put it on a network that was run by Interpol, sent to the Canadians, the Canadian, Toronto police. The Toronto police had done some training with us prior to that. They got the pictures, they looked at it, they saw the Brownie uniform that appeared to them to be an American uniform. They contacted agents here. The perpetrator had obliterated the Brownie troop number on the uniform. The agent and the officers from Toronto were able to locate that number and put it to a location in North Carolina. The agents in North Carolina went out and identified the victim, identified the perpetrator, and ended up arresting the perpetrator, who was actually the father of this young girl. Some of the picture that we saw, the girl was in a dog kennel; naked, locked in a dog kennel crying, the girl was naked with a butcher knife across her chest, there were carvings on her chest that says kill me slut, that kind of stuff, urination on the child. In the exploitation of this, the data that we recovered at the search, we found, I believe, 180,000 images of child abuse.
Michelle Collins: It’s terrible that these children are going to have to live for the rest of their lives, not only having to live with what happened to them, but the fact that their exploitation is now showed around the world with individuals who are getting sexual gratification by collecting their photos.
Arnold Bell: There’s been a positive impact in respect that everyone in the Bureau and everyone across the law enforcement community that works this violation is on the same page. Once you make that relationship, that relationship lasts, and it goes across all programs.
Michelle Collins: Everybody has a tool that they can bring towards this fight against
child sexual exploitation. Whether it be the US Attorneys office, or the ICAC task force, or the Innocent Images program within your community, the local law enforcement agencies, as well as, entities such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Arnold Bell: Whatever the turf battles might be, whatever the conflicts might be between inter-agencies; when we’re talking about this issue, all that stuff falls away. We’re all kind of focused on the same thing. We’re all focused on saving kids. From where I sit, there is no option for that. We can’t be effective if we’re not working together—we just can’t.
Michelle Collins: I think if you’ll speak with most investigators or prosecutors, the one key component that you’ll hear in the success of these types of cases is collaboration with other agencies.
Brendan Sheehan: It’s been a successful prosecution team with the US Attorneys, and
the county prosecutors, and local law enforcement all working together in doing the
number one goal, which everyone wants, is protect our children.
Arnold Bell: The law enforcement is working together. We’re very aggressive. We’re
much more aggressive than we were even a couple of years ago in terms of addressing
this problem. But it’s a huge problem.
McGregor Scott: It’s far more important, I think, that this not be the flavor of the month. We want this to be a very sustained operation that has meaningful results to ensure safer communities.
Regina Schofield: Task forces cannot do it alone. We will need the help of every
individual in the law enforcement community. I encourage you, whether you are a
parent, concerned law enforcement member, at the federal, state, or local level, we must all do what we can as concerned citizens and criminal justice professionals to make sure that our children are kept safe.
McGregor Scott: The best long-term solution here, is information and education. We’ve
got to prevent our way out of this problem.
Regina Schofield: You can help me teach parents that they must stay vigilant, stay smart, and most of all, let’s work together to make sure we are keeping our children safe from online sexual exploitation. To stop this problem from becoming more pervasive than it is, we need three elements coming together. We need education, we need prevention, and we need enforcement. Project Safe Childhood pulls all those elements together to make sure we are keeping America’s children safe.
Alberto Gonzales: In order to confront this threat to our kids, we must rise up together as soldiers in the armies of compassion, called to action by President Bush. The core idea behind Project Safe Childhood remains the key to its success. And that’s the idea of teamwork. Project Safe Childhood makes a single powerful team out of all of us who want to protect children. If we work separately, we are no match for these criminals, but when we work together, our network is much stronger than their’s. Make no mistake, this is a war. Our opposition is obsessed with hurting our children. We must be obsessed with protecting them. I want to thank you for your dedication to this cause. I look forward to continuing this fight together. Each of us is but one soldier, in the armies of compassion I mentioned earlier. But we will prevail, as long as we can count on each other to be out there fighting shoulder to shoulder, our voices united as one.
Thank you for your work to make Project Safe Childhood a success.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Dare to feel the pain
"The Second Chance Society"
"Our mission is to fight a battle based on truth and documented facts. We shall encourage the young adults who have been cheated out of a childhood to work with us in finding realistic solutions for tomorrow's children. Those who have lived the hype and the fear will have a clear vision for the future and a roadmap to get there."
So speaks Shirley Lowery, the former CEO of Sosen. Recently shamed and ousted from her position during a gruesome hostile takeover, Shirley became depressed and announced her retirement. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. She's back with a vengeance and plotting her return to activism with her new mission statement, above.
One of her ways of making a come back will be to address America's youth. Not those who were victimized by sexual abusers but rather those she claims were cheated of a normal childhood by parents who were afraid that their child would be abused. She says:
"Adults threw all kinds of things on you to protect you from a fate worse than death.
Were you frightened or were you victimized and cheated out of the best years of your life due to the adults in your life that were scared witless?
It will be interesting to hear what you have to say about families being tossed out and burned out of their homes. People have been mugged and murdered.
These are things that are being done in your name."
Personally I think it will be far more interesting to hear from children who were groomed, manipulated and molested. Those who were sexually assaulted and battered. Those whose mother stood up for them .... and those that didn't. Those who had their abuse dismissed and/or denied, versus those who had validation of their right to be free of sexual abuse by having proper sentences given to their abusers. But that's me.
Shirley lost her American Chronicle articles, along with Jan Kruska and Jan's pseudonym Amanda Rogers. Of course Sosen itself lost their account also, but that's another story. This story is about Shirley's comeback.
"I am tempted to try again under another name but need an e-mail and profile completely separate from everything else.
I can still post on Arrivenet which gets some attention over time but not the grab of the Chronicles."
If you guys see her writings show up on the Chronicle under another name, could you please let me know?
Today we have the rare opportunity to observe one of her infamous blasts at society in progress. So far we have two versions she's presenting for group input. Let's look at some of the things she's saying.
She offers some snippets from a CNN transcript of John Walsh talking about his problems with sex addiction and how it hurt people in his life including his wife, children and himself. Shirley says:
"With this information we know that Walsh admitted to a raging sex addiction in 1999. He is well aware of the intensity of this condition and how it can ruin lives. If treatment worked for him it should work for many others with the same or a similar sex disorder. He owes the public an answer."
This is actually nothing new, all the RSO activists are trying to compare a sexual addiction to a sexual offense. This only serves to show their complete desperation and ongoing habit of pointing fingers, blaming others, and refusing to admit that they and they alone are fully responsible for their own actions. A sex addiction has nothing to do with sexually assaulting, raping, or molesting others unless the two are combined.
Next inline for finger pointing and blame-shifting we have Jessica Lunsford. We previously saw how Shirley made the allegation that Jessica had consensual sex with John Couey and then committed suicide by having Couey bury her alive. She's got a new spin on the situation, let's take a look.
"Every year we have young females who are abducted, raped and murdered. Jessica Lunsford was one such case. Her convicted killer, John Couey, did not suddenly turn murderer because of some long ago, non-violent sex crime. He turned killer due to the large amounts of crack cocaine that he ingested just hour's prior to Jessica's disappearance. By pretrial motion that information was withheld so even the juror's deciding his fate were not given this information. This tends to put a damper on the concept of a fair trial by a jury of your peers"
Let's stop there for a moment. Nobody has ever accused John Couey of murdering BECAUSE of his previous sex crime. Furthermore the same laws that allowed his drug use to be withheld in trial are the very same laws that prevent a jury from knowing a child molester on trial has a history of molesting 10 other children. It works both ways. And to make matters even worse for Shirley Lowery, in her haste to look like an idiot, completely fails to address the fact that John Couey kept Jessica for a week, raping her repeatedly before burying her alive. I hardly think he was on crack cocaine that entire time, and no one else thinks that either. That level of drug use would have killed him as no human body could withstand it.
"Jessica's horrific death would not have sparked any undue attention had it not been for old charges that required registration as a sex offender. That is the stage that was set for the American people. It was a power play with sex at the forefront and drugs pushed out of the way."
That's interesting. The way I recall events, Jessica's disappearance created a LOT of attention, BEFORE it was known a registered sex offender had kidnapped, repeatedly raped and killed by live burial little Jessica. THAT is how *I* recall it.
"Because of the way this case was presented everyone from home security people on up profited from this child's death. If John Couey had not fondled and tried to steal a kiss all of those years ago there would be no such thing as Jessica's Law."
Isn't it so terribly unfortunate that these things had to happen to Jessica before we could get our legislature to recognize what we've been telling them for years? But Shirley continues. She claims that the job the jurors did
"has been cheapened by the fact that even they were given partial truth to work with in a trial that was a mere mockery of justice.
This case was presented to a nation in such a manner as to induce public hysteria. It is time for us to remember that this is America where that sort of thing will not be tolerated.
For the health and welfare of this nation we had a right to know that the search was for a junkie rather than a sex fiend. Such careless, political power play has done irreparable harm to our country"
Search for a junkie? It was a search for an unknown person of unknown qualities who was acting for unknown reasons. It wasn't until after he was identified that anyone knew he was a registered sex offender. Furthermore, WHY does Shirley Lowery believe she has a right to know everything about a case yet you don't have a right to know that your next door neighbor molested a 5 year old child. When you have a 5 year old child.
WHY? Why is Shirley Lowery so hell-bent on blaming everyone except John Couey? Why is she so hell-bent on shifting attention AWAY from sex offenders? Could it be that her son, serving 60 years in prison for molesting Shirley's granddaughter, because of pleading guilty AND taking a plea bargain which REDUCED his sentence to SIXTY YEARS has caused her to flip her lid? Or was she always this wacked out?
"A child who has been victimized suffers from low-self esteem. If there is any shred of self-respect left it is quickly ripped away by society's very vocal perception. We are damaged, emotional cripples with diminished capabilities and nobody is willing to waste time on a lost cause. Society "saves" children by jerking them out of a bad situation and ensuring that the abuser is punished to the full extent of the law. There is no individual that notices or cares that only the faces have changed in a child's ongoing nightmare.
The hunger for revenge is what keeps these incidents as front-burner items. There are high-profile individuals who will tell you that a child deserves what he or she gets if they aren't willing to give up a loved one for 25 years. This is typical thinking for someone who has not experienced the situation. Most kids are not going to buy in to a 25-year future of public misery. We bide our time until we can walk away legally. The family is intact and there is no stigma. It is called survival.
The government never does anything right yet there are great expectations that they will fix the sex offender problem. Realistically, we are further away from a solution than we have ever been. Please stop the drama and pretend that your precious child has victimized another of your equally precious children. Dare to feel the pain of being alive with your heart ripped out. Get up close and personal with all aspects of such a situation and then give the world a valid opinion on how we should proceed."
Please pay close attention to this:
We bide our time until we can walk away legally.
The family is intact and there is no stigma.
It is called survival.
Dare to feel the pain of being alive with your heart ripped out
Shirley Lowery, I am addressing you.
You lost any credibility you may have had long ago. You have serious emotional and mental problems. Seek help for it and give this up before you make it any worse than you already have. You cannot be an activist anymore, no matter how much you want to be. We won't allow it.
Labels: Child Sexual Abuse, Jan Kruska, jessica lunsford, Jessica's Law, John Walsh, Sex Offender, Shirley Lowery, SOSEN )
Monday, January 14, 2008
Dare to feel the pain
"The Second Chance Society"
"Our mission is to fight a battle based on truth and documented facts. We shall encourage the young adults who have been cheated out of a childhood to work with us in finding realistic solutions for tomorrow's children. Those who have lived the hype and the fear will have a clear vision for the future and a roadmap to get there."
So speaks Shirley Lowery, the former CEO of Sosen. Recently shamed and ousted from her position during a gruesome hostile takeover, Shirley became depressed and announced her retirement. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. She's back with a vengeance and plotting her return to activism with her new mission statement, above.
One of her ways of making a come back will be to address America's youth. Not those who were victimized by sexual abusers but rather those she claims were cheated of a normal childhood by parents who were afraid that their child would be abused. She says:
"Adults threw all kinds of things on you to protect you from a fate worse than death.
Were you frightened or were you victimized and cheated out of the best years of your life due to the adults in your life that were scared witless?
It will be interesting to hear what you have to say about families being tossed out and burned out of their homes. People have been mugged and murdered.
These are things that are being done in your name."
Personally I think it will be far more interesting to hear from children who were groomed, manipulated and molested. Those who were sexually assaulted and battered. Those whose mother stood up for them .... and those that didn't. Those who had their abuse dismissed and/or denied, versus those who had validation of their right to be free of sexual abuse by having proper sentences given to their abusers. But that's me.
Shirley lost her American Chronicle articles, along with Jan Kruska and Jan's pseudonym Amanda Rogers. Of course Sosen itself lost their account also, but that's another story. This story is about Shirley's comeback.
"I am tempted to try again under another name but need an e-mail and profile completely separate from everything else.
I can still post on Arrivenet which gets some attention over time but not the grab of the Chronicles."
If you guys see her writings show up on the Chronicle under another name, could you please let me know?
Today we have the rare opportunity to observe one of her infamous blasts at society in progress. So far we have two versions she's presenting for group input. Let's look at some of the things she's saying.
She offers some snippets from a CNN transcript of John Walsh talking about his problems with sex addiction and how it hurt people in his life including his wife, children and himself. Shirley says:
"With this information we know that Walsh admitted to a raging sex addiction in 1999. He is well aware of the intensity of this condition and how it can ruin lives. If treatment worked for him it should work for many others with the same or a similar sex disorder. He owes the public an answer."
This is actually nothing new, all the RSO activists are trying to compare a sexual addiction to a sexual offense. This only serves to show their complete desperation and ongoing habit of pointing fingers, blaming others, and refusing to admit that they and they alone are fully responsible for their own actions. A sex addiction has nothing to do with sexually assaulting, raping, or molesting others unless the two are combined.
Next inline for finger pointing and blame-shifting we have Jessica Lunsford. We previously saw how Shirley made the allegation that Jessica had consensual sex with John Couey and then committed suicide by having Couey bury her alive. She's got a new spin on the situation, let's take a look.
"Every year we have young females who are abducted, raped and murdered. Jessica Lunsford was one such case. Her convicted killer, John Couey, did not suddenly turn murderer because of some long ago, non-violent sex crime. He turned killer due to the large amounts of crack cocaine that he ingested just hour's prior to Jessica's disappearance. By pretrial motion that information was withheld so even the juror's deciding his fate were not given this information. This tends to put a damper on the concept of a fair trial by a jury of your peers"
Let's stop there for a moment. Nobody has ever accused John Couey of murdering BECAUSE of his previous sex crime. Furthermore the same laws that allowed his drug use to be withheld in trial are the very same laws that prevent a jury from knowing a child molester on trial has a history of molesting 10 other children. It works both ways. And to make matters even worse for Shirley Lowery, in her haste to look like an idiot, completely fails to address the fact that John Couey kept Jessica for a week, raping her repeatedly before burying her alive. I hardly think he was on crack cocaine that entire time, and no one else thinks that either. That level of drug use would have killed him as no human body could withstand it.
"Jessica's horrific death would not have sparked any undue attention had it not been for old charges that required registration as a sex offender. That is the stage that was set for the American people. It was a power play with sex at the forefront and drugs pushed out of the way."
That's interesting. The way I recall events, Jessica's disappearance created a LOT of attention, BEFORE it was known a registered sex offender had kidnapped, repeatedly raped and killed by live burial little Jessica. THAT is how *I* recall it.
"Because of the way this case was presented everyone from home security people on up profited from this child's death. If John Couey had not fondled and tried to steal a kiss all of those years ago there would be no such thing as Jessica's Law."
Isn't it so terribly unfortunate that these things had to happen to Jessica before we could get our legislature to recognize what we've been telling them for years? But Shirley continues. She claims that the job the jurors did
"has been cheapened by the fact that even they were given partial truth to work with in a trial that was a mere mockery of justice.
This case was presented to a nation in such a manner as to induce public hysteria. It is time for us to remember that this is America where that sort of thing will not be tolerated.
For the health and welfare of this nation we had a right to know that the search was for a junkie rather than a sex fiend. Such careless, political power play has done irreparable harm to our country"
Search for a junkie? It was a search for an unknown person of unknown qualities who was acting for unknown reasons. It wasn't until after he was identified that anyone knew he was a registered sex offender. Furthermore, WHY does Shirley Lowery believe she has a right to know everything about a case yet you don't have a right to know that your next door neighbor molested a 5 year old child. When you have a 5 year old child.
WHY? Why is Shirley Lowery so hell-bent on blaming everyone except John Couey? Why is she so hell-bent on shifting attention AWAY from sex offenders? Could it be that her son, serving 60 years in prison for molesting Shirley's granddaughter, because of pleading guilty AND taking a plea bargain which REDUCED his sentence to SIXTY YEARS has caused her to flip her lid? Or was she always this wacked out?
"A child who has been victimized suffers from low-self esteem. If there is any shred of self-respect left it is quickly ripped away by society's very vocal perception. We are damaged, emotional cripples with diminished capabilities and nobody is willing to waste time on a lost cause. Society "saves" children by jerking them out of a bad situation and ensuring that the abuser is punished to the full extent of the law. There is no individual that notices or cares that only the faces have changed in a child's ongoing nightmare.
The hunger for revenge is what keeps these incidents as front-burner items. There are high-profile individuals who will tell you that a child deserves what he or she gets if they aren't willing to give up a loved one for 25 years. This is typical thinking for someone who has not experienced the situation. Most kids are not going to buy in to a 25-year future of public misery. We bide our time until we can walk away legally. The family is intact and there is no stigma. It is called survival.
The government never does anything right yet there are great expectations that they will fix the sex offender problem. Realistically, we are further away from a solution than we have ever been. Please stop the drama and pretend that your precious child has victimized another of your equally precious children. Dare to feel the pain of being alive with your heart ripped out. Get up close and personal with all aspects of such a situation and then give the world a valid opinion on how we should proceed."
Please pay close attention to this:
We bide our time until we can walk away legally.
The family is intact and there is no stigma.
It is called survival.
Dare to feel the pain of being alive with your heart ripped out
Shirley Lowery, I am addressing you.
You lost any credibility you may have had long ago. You have serious emotional and mental problems. Seek help for it and give this up before you make it any worse than you already have. You cannot be an activist anymore, no matter how much you want to be. We won't allow it.
Labels: Child Sexual Abuse, Jan Kruska, jessica lunsford, Jessica's Law, John Walsh, Sex Offender, Shirley Lowery, SOSEN
A 13 Year Old Boy Shattered After A Judge Makes His Deplorable Decision!
A SEX abuse victim is shattered after a judge ruled he had consented to his own assault as a 13-year-old.
December 18, 2007 02:30pm
The deaf victim, who summoned the courage to face his abuser in court, has now had his faith in the justice system destroyed, his family says.
The victim's stepfather today joined condemnation of a judge for summing up the sexual assault by a 24-year-old man as adolescent "experimentation" and releasing him on a suspended sentence.
Yesterday, Judge Michael Kelly said the the 13-year-old deaf boy consented to his own sexual abuse and described the sexual assault by a 24-year-old man as adolescent experimentation before releasing him on a suspended sentence.
Judge Kelly said the young teenager and his attacker - the only deaf people in their country community - were both victims of "experimental lust".
"There was not the difference in their levels of maturity that their physical age would suggest," Judge Kelly said.
The young victim's stepfather today said the refusal to jail the abuser was an insult that had angered, upset and bewildered the victim.
"I don't know how he will cope with it ... this could haunt him for 40 years," the stepfather said.
"I just know that he was very, very, upset last night.
"I just know that he's lost faith in the court system," he said on Southern Cross radio.
The stepfather said he was horrified when the abuse came to his attention.
His stepson had spent four years going through the legal system and bravely opted to face his abuser in court rather than by video link, only to be dealt a cruel blow.
"He wanted to confront this guy and show him he wasn't beaten," the man said.
The stepfather said his stepson's life had not been the same since the assault.
He had lost two jobs and was now considering leaving another.
Australian Childhood Foundation chief Dr Joe Tucci said the judge's comments were offensive.
"It is indefensible and . . . continuing to perpetrate a misunderstanding of how children cannot give consent and cannot in any way be responsible for their own sexual abuse," he said.
"He actually has minimised the violence against this young boy and he has also, I think, given voice to those who think sexually abusing 13-year-olds is OK."
"He is not discharging his responsibilities as a community leader . . . the Government should move immediately to suspend him or force his retirement."
Hetty Johnston, founder of child advocacy group Bravehearts, said the judge was an absolute disgrace. "We have to get rid of these dinosaurs from our benches," she said.
Calling for an appeal, Ms Johnston said community standards were not being upheld and victims needed to be respected.
"It takes away the power of all victims everywhere."
Ms Johnston and Dr Tucci both called for the abolition of suspended sentences in underage sex assault cases and clearer standards in sentencing.
Judge Kelly was rebuked by a senior prosecutor last month during the offender's plea hearing when he said the victim impact statement was a "waste of time".
The victim "wouldn't have done well in a British public school in the '30s", Judge Kelly said at the time.
"The majority of people who suffer this kind of incident at some stage in their life simply get over it and think no more of it."
Addressing those comments yesterday, Judge Kelly said he'd fallen into legal error and hoped the victim's despairing predictions for the future proved false.
But he went on to say: "The complainant . . . gives a horrific account of his perception of the effect upon him and his life of the crimes committed upon him by the prisoner, notwithstanding that he consented to the whole of the conduct and that it appears to be common ground that he initiated it."
The County Court heard that in March 2001 the older man began a relationship with the young teenager while on a camp for people with hearing disabilities.
They had been long-time friends and shared a close bond because of hearing problems. The sexual relationship continued until October 2003 when the victim's brother caught them in bed.
The man pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual penetration and one of an indecent act with a child under 16.
The court heard the man was pathologically lonely and lived in a silent world because none of his family had learned sign language.
A psychologist gave evidence that the man's inability to properly communicate had left him socially starved and naive.
Judge Kelly said: "I accept the view that this offending grew out of friendship, curiosity and immaturity, was an isolated exercise of very poor judgment, and is much regretted," he said.
The man was sentenced to two years and nine months' jail, wholly suspended for three years.,22606,22943407-911,00.html
December 18, 2007 02:30pm
The deaf victim, who summoned the courage to face his abuser in court, has now had his faith in the justice system destroyed, his family says.
The victim's stepfather today joined condemnation of a judge for summing up the sexual assault by a 24-year-old man as adolescent "experimentation" and releasing him on a suspended sentence.
Yesterday, Judge Michael Kelly said the the 13-year-old deaf boy consented to his own sexual abuse and described the sexual assault by a 24-year-old man as adolescent experimentation before releasing him on a suspended sentence.
Judge Kelly said the young teenager and his attacker - the only deaf people in their country community - were both victims of "experimental lust".
"There was not the difference in their levels of maturity that their physical age would suggest," Judge Kelly said.
The young victim's stepfather today said the refusal to jail the abuser was an insult that had angered, upset and bewildered the victim.
"I don't know how he will cope with it ... this could haunt him for 40 years," the stepfather said.
"I just know that he was very, very, upset last night.
"I just know that he's lost faith in the court system," he said on Southern Cross radio.
The stepfather said he was horrified when the abuse came to his attention.
His stepson had spent four years going through the legal system and bravely opted to face his abuser in court rather than by video link, only to be dealt a cruel blow.
"He wanted to confront this guy and show him he wasn't beaten," the man said.
The stepfather said his stepson's life had not been the same since the assault.
He had lost two jobs and was now considering leaving another.
Australian Childhood Foundation chief Dr Joe Tucci said the judge's comments were offensive.
"It is indefensible and . . . continuing to perpetrate a misunderstanding of how children cannot give consent and cannot in any way be responsible for their own sexual abuse," he said.
"He actually has minimised the violence against this young boy and he has also, I think, given voice to those who think sexually abusing 13-year-olds is OK."
"He is not discharging his responsibilities as a community leader . . . the Government should move immediately to suspend him or force his retirement."
Hetty Johnston, founder of child advocacy group Bravehearts, said the judge was an absolute disgrace. "We have to get rid of these dinosaurs from our benches," she said.
Calling for an appeal, Ms Johnston said community standards were not being upheld and victims needed to be respected.
"It takes away the power of all victims everywhere."
Ms Johnston and Dr Tucci both called for the abolition of suspended sentences in underage sex assault cases and clearer standards in sentencing.
Judge Kelly was rebuked by a senior prosecutor last month during the offender's plea hearing when he said the victim impact statement was a "waste of time".
The victim "wouldn't have done well in a British public school in the '30s", Judge Kelly said at the time.
"The majority of people who suffer this kind of incident at some stage in their life simply get over it and think no more of it."
Addressing those comments yesterday, Judge Kelly said he'd fallen into legal error and hoped the victim's despairing predictions for the future proved false.
But he went on to say: "The complainant . . . gives a horrific account of his perception of the effect upon him and his life of the crimes committed upon him by the prisoner, notwithstanding that he consented to the whole of the conduct and that it appears to be common ground that he initiated it."
The County Court heard that in March 2001 the older man began a relationship with the young teenager while on a camp for people with hearing disabilities.
They had been long-time friends and shared a close bond because of hearing problems. The sexual relationship continued until October 2003 when the victim's brother caught them in bed.
The man pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual penetration and one of an indecent act with a child under 16.
The court heard the man was pathologically lonely and lived in a silent world because none of his family had learned sign language.
A psychologist gave evidence that the man's inability to properly communicate had left him socially starved and naive.
Judge Kelly said: "I accept the view that this offending grew out of friendship, curiosity and immaturity, was an isolated exercise of very poor judgment, and is much regretted," he said.
The man was sentenced to two years and nine months' jail, wholly suspended for three years.,22606,22943407-911,00.html
sexual assault,
Friday, January 4, 2008
Meet Gabriel James MacIsaac ~ Flickorna. Reader discretion is advised!
Meet Gabriel James MacIsaac ~ Flickorna
Gabe MacIsaac, is a pedophile who is a long time member of and administrator of the forums at Butterfly Kisses. He is very much a part of the effort to groom little girls into believing that sexual relationships with adults is perfectly okay. Flickorna is closely associated with several other known pedophiles, Holokittynx, Sybil, and Khandi, who assist him with running the Butterfly Kisses website, and Xalex, an ex-administrator from the same site.
Flickorna's AoA is of little girls from the ages of infants to 15, but states that he likes older girls at times, if they are "really beautiful". He has posted that he often fantasizes about finding a girlfriend who is around the age of 13 or 14 and loving her for many years to come, even as she grows older, as long as she understands that his attractions to little girls will never change. He is also known to post about specific little girls on whom he has crushes. In addition, he states that he currently has a YF, a little girl who is only 5 years old with whom he is in love.
He states that he spent 5 days in jail for having sex with a 13 year old when he was 20 years old. He has volunteered at middle schools and other places where he had access to children. It seems that he is obviously a pedophile to the people who know him in person, because he whines often that his "relationships" with little girls are frequently "ruined" by other people.
He says that his family knows that he is a pedophile, and that even his family doctor knows, and recommended therapy for him, but he wouldn't go.
This is a dangerous pedophile who molests children within minutes. Any child who is near him is in danger of being molested.
Flickorna says:
"About two years ago, a young homeless couple came to live with me. It was winter and they slept on the living-room floor without paying rent. I especially loved their little daughter. I played with her a lot during those months. I sort of fell in love with her. One day I lay her on her back and licked her clit a little bit. I liked doing that. It felt really nice."
"I often daydream of licking little girls. Little girls are so sensual. I can't see any reason why showing such an act of affection is considered wrong by so many people. I am especially attracted to girls age 3 through 13."
Please visit Wikisposure for the full story of
Gabriel James MacIsaac AKA Flickorna
Be warned that the article contains especially disturbing subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.
Meet Gabriel James MacIsaac ~ Flickorna
Gabe MacIsaac, is a pedophile who is a long time member of and administrator of the forums at Butterfly Kisses. He is very much a part of the effort to groom little girls into believing that sexual relationships with adults is perfectly okay. Flickorna is closely associated with several other known pedophiles, Holokittynx, Sybil, and Khandi, who assist him with running the Butterfly Kisses website, and Xalex, an ex-administrator from the same site.
Flickorna's AoA is of little girls from the ages of infants to 15, but states that he likes older girls at times, if they are "really beautiful". He has posted that he often fantasizes about finding a girlfriend who is around the age of 13 or 14 and loving her for many years to come, even as she grows older, as long as she understands that his attractions to little girls will never change. He is also known to post about specific little girls on whom he has crushes. In addition, he states that he currently has a YF, a little girl who is only 5 years old with whom he is in love.
He states that he spent 5 days in jail for having sex with a 13 year old when he was 20 years old. He has volunteered at middle schools and other places where he had access to children. It seems that he is obviously a pedophile to the people who know him in person, because he whines often that his "relationships" with little girls are frequently "ruined" by other people.
He says that his family knows that he is a pedophile, and that even his family doctor knows, and recommended therapy for him, but he wouldn't go.
This is a dangerous pedophile who molests children within minutes. Any child who is near him is in danger of being molested.
Flickorna says:
"About two years ago, a young homeless couple came to live with me. It was winter and they slept on the living-room floor without paying rent. I especially loved their little daughter. I played with her a lot during those months. I sort of fell in love with her. One day I lay her on her back and licked her clit a little bit. I liked doing that. It felt really nice."
"I often daydream of licking little girls. Little girls are so sensual. I can't see any reason why showing such an act of affection is considered wrong by so many people. I am especially attracted to girls age 3 through 13."
Please visit Wikisposure for the full story of
Gabriel James MacIsaac AKA Flickorna
Be warned that the article contains especially disturbing subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.
17-month-old baby boy hospitalized following extreme abuse by his mother's boyfriend!

A 17-month-old boy was hospitalized Friday morning following abuse that Apopka police said came at the hands of his mother's boyfriend.
Investigators said 24-year-old Darlanne Toussaint was babysitting the child at the Willow Lake apartments off SR-436, Thursday. Police said when the baby started crying, Toussaint confessed to beating the boy and using a hair dryer on several parts of his body for 10 to 30 minutes.
His next door neighbor was shocked to hear the news.
"I can't believe he would do something like that. He seemed like a real nice guy. I can't believe he would take it that far," said Jeff Nathe, the suspect's neighbor.
Toussaint was in the Orange County jail, Friday morning. He is facing attempted murder charges.
Here is his my space account info!
He goes by Dee

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